Monday 2 July 2012

Alternative Circus

Beth Harvey-Cook and myself arranged a photo shoot which was gothic, quirky, strange and over the top! With help from Sarah Fitt we were able to create a look which was reminiscent of Tim Burton with a doll-like twist. As we walked through Norwich to get to the location Beth got several strange looks but she totally rocked it and worked the camera! I had a great time working with her again and it was really nice picking up from where we left off. She's a fantastic girl and I hope she gets noticed for her modelling. It was great to have Sarah on board too as she is incredibly talented and genuinely friendly to get on with. I hope I get a chance to work with her more in the future! Thank you both for a wonderful shoot. And another huge thank you to Darryl for assisting me on the day! You're always my rock!

Beautiful Models Second Birthday

Beautiful Models has now reached it's second birthday and I could not have done it without my amazing friend, Sabrina. We are so happy and proud of what we have accomplished; 2252 members, 2434 watchers and 42475 page views, and it is still growing! We've been holding monthly competitions to crown the Face of Beautiful Models and every time we get to see an inspiring and varied range of talents work from all over the world. I don't think Beautiful Models would have done so well if it wasn't for Sabrina and I really appreciate everything she has done for the group. She will always be one of my best friends and I will always want her by my side to see where Beautiful Models will take us next! Thank you to everyone who has made Beautiful Models possible!

And Now For Some Outtakes....!